martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Free Sketches Done Part 3 "Hentai Community"

HT: these sketches were requested in the Hentai Community page, the next page will be Furaffinity.... =3

Requested by Usako-Man
starring Usako, Scarlett and the Cum Ninja... (who i think the proper name would be Cum-Kunoichi)... all characters are from him

Requested by Wikit-Jay
Mihoshi and Rioko being sodomised by Washu... ( Tenchi Muyō! characters)

Requested by Kareiya
Anemonet, Marona and Manora the Mithra (in this order) showing the blowjob they can do... =3

Requested by Kareiya (because no one wanted one in time)
now are Marona and her lover Maaku... being raped by a goo femenine Creature.... yes is Kaede in one of her 14 creatures she can transform usein special buttons she have... ( all the cum on Marona and that Kaede is spraying cames from Maaku =3)

Requested by Pomodoro
The undead girl i drawed sometime ago is now tied by her own rope and walking outside... she is like a slave sex that can´t control her body so all the thing she is doing it´s against her will

acepting sketch-commision only for now... just send me a mail or post it in the C-box with your mail and i´ll contact you... =3

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