jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Paks Galore ( or Help me Help my Mother)

again with the changes i did to patreon, now selling some paks qith old images in full size that where originally only for the clients to have.

Why I´m selling them now even though most of them are already on my galleries?
Well, there is kind of a health emergency concerning my mother, something wrong with her Thyroid Gland that need very expensive treatment and all my family is cooperating.

I ask for your help buying some of my paks please.

1.- february 2016 pak ($7): contains all the images i did in sunday streams in full size.


2.- Kaede Pak feb 2016 ($5.50): some random Kaede images also full size.


3.- stream Favs pak part 1 ($20): my favourites 50 images from when i started doing streams.


4.- stream Favs pak part 2 ($20): same as the above just diferent 50 images.


5.- stream Guro pak part 1 ($20): 50 mostly guro images done on stream


6.- stream Guro pak part 2 ($20): other 50 mostly guro images


7.- stream Freak pak part 1 ($20): 50 mostly freaky images done on stream


8.- Stream Freak pak part 2 ($20): other 50 mostly freaky images


9.- stream Non fit pak part 1 ($20): 50 images i cant really locate into a fetish


10.- stream Non fit pak part 2 ($20): other 50 images I cant locate.


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