domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

HACK warning!!!!

to all who knows my Yahoo mail adress... a hack virus has attaked my account and send the following message:

" hey! why did you upload your sexy photos in your yahoo pics profile? hxxp:// dont you know that anyone with yahoo account can see it? dont get me wrong! im just asking okay..."

do not, i repeat DO NOT! click the link... apparently the hack happens after cliking the link and steals your iddentoty for a few minutes or whenever you log out of your YIM account and send the message to your contacts.. beware and stay alert!

how you recognice ME and difference of the bot-virus:
-i never upload photos of me, in the internet i´m a totally different person than in real life.
-i dislike Web-cam chats... again, my real life person is only for the real life... in the internet i am Hitori the artist and only Hitori the artist...
-and finaly... i like to have my gender in the anonimatum... i rather be a girl or a guy.. but i prefer to just be known as Hitori and not as a girl or somethin else..

SO stay alert...

in other news i still working to finish al i have to do so thanks for the patient to all my clients who still are waitin for a commision...

here is the evidence of that... :P

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