The "Stay alive" pak has been finished... and sended to the ones who bought it in the "pre-sale"... for those who paid and didnt receive the paks please send me an email... in the middle of the chaos that has been these last weeks i lost the original list of emails that has bought teh pak, and after cheked again the mails i´m sure i´m forgetting some clients...
with this i anounce the pre-sale of the "Limbless Pak"... wich will be finished... and this time will be no matter what it cost to me... for this march 10th or march 17th....
and also i ask for help.. again... as you can see i have no money for this month.. february.. i blame myself for not be able to finish in time. So, please, buy me a pak and help me to continue drawing T3T
and again, sorry for being late with the pak.
Limbless pak characters:
-Star Fire (Teen Titans TV) 10 votes
-Gwen (Ben 10) 10 votes
-Kaede (my OC) 09 votes
-Peach and company (nintendo) 08 votes
-Ranma Chan (Ranma 1/2) 07 votes
- Violet (The Incredibles) 06 votes
- Bulma teen (Dragon Ball) 03 votes
- Human Fluttershy (MLP:FiM) 02 votes
- Female Monster Hunter Kirin* 02 votes
- Roll.exe (Megaman BN) 02 votes and a cointoss
Paks Codes:
0.- Zero Pak (before January pak): $12
1.- Tied Pak : $12
2.- Bloody Pak: $12
3.- Sexy Pak: $12
4.- Headless Pak: $12
5.- Stay Alive Pak: $10
6.- Limbles Pak (pre-order): $10
And again.... Sorry... =3=